Simon Scholes




I JUST WANT TO SEE YOU START How much content are you currently creating? I’ve been speaking about the need for perfection quite a lot lately. The reason being is, I’ve been speaking to a huge amount of people and businesses that are 100% hung up on putting out the perfect piece of content. The biggest issue with this is…….they never quite achieve the perfect piece of content and so therefor procrastinate the days away trying to make what they’ve created right in their eyes. What they forget is that if they’re not communicating at all, nobody can hear or see the value you’ve got to give to them. Now, this isn’t an easy thing to overcome, but, you have to get to a point where you’re happy to put out content taken from your weekly blogs. The idea of perfection is also a good reason why I direct people to doing Live video content over and above recording it. If you sit constantly recording on your mobile phone, then the chances are you’ll never actually put any content out as you’ll just keep recording