Simon Scholes




WHAT THE HELL IS AN ALGORITHM? When it comes to social media, we all hear loads of different technical subjects thrown around, but a lot of us have no idea what any of them mean, so, let's break them down over a few different posts so you can start to understand things a bit better when people are talking about stuff, and help take your brand from local to national. Number 1: Alglorithm.....this is one we all hear thrown around, but, what the hell is it when it's at home? This is a well-defined set of instructions that allows a computer to solve any issues. So, sites like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc. use algorithms to decide what users are allowed to see in their feeds. They should always be taken into consideration, but, the fact of the matter is most of the platforms don't know what their algorithms rules are let alone us as the users, so don't get too caught up in it, just keep posting value for your amazing audience.