Simon Scholes




HOW ENGAGED ARE THEY? When it comes to social media, we all hear loads of different technical subjects thrown around, but a lot of us have no idea what any of them mean, so, let's break them down over a few different posts so you can start to understand things a bit better when people are talking about stuff, and help take your brand from local to national. So, what does engagement mean to you? On social media this is a number / metric that basically describes how much interaction your content is getting. The sites themselves use this metric as a way of understanding who to push your content to and more importantly for you, how hard to push your content in the first place. This is why I speak so passionately about giving your audience value. If you can give your audience value, ask them questions get them involved etc. then the chances are they’ll stay with you and become a raving fan of your content. So think about what you’re putting out and decide how you can really begin to involve your audience.