Simon Scholes

Instagram Growth Tips (2 - Hashtags) - The Social Media Podcast



Are you making good use of hashtags? There is no doubt about the benefits of using Hashtags on Instagram. Hashtags are perhaps the best way to expand your reach, because they expose you to users who are already interested in those specific tags. First things first, make sure you have a hashtag for your own brand or business. Like I have #howto9xyoursocialmedia what could you have that’s possibly a bit catchier for yourself? Also a good hashtag should be specific to your industry to make sure you’re reaching the right people, but, don’t forget people in your industry will also be searching these so try to make it so your potential customers can find you. You need to not get too specific, because it still needs to be something users will actually look for. Some brands work their hashtags into the caption itself, while others just put all their hashtags after the caption. Either option (or a mix of both) is totally fine. The most important thing is that you include hashtags somewhere.