Simon Scholes

Instagram Growth Tip (15 - Tie it into events) The Social Media Podcast



IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME ?? We’ve all seen the amazing film “Field Of Dreams” (if you’ve not get hold of a copy, it’s pretty awesome). The above lines are prevalent all the way through, and it’s something marketeers seem to have tagged onto massively in recent years. However……WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT. Too many people have in mind that just because they do a spot of social media content the audience will come. The number of brands and businesses I’ve spoken to recently who tell me they’re doing blogs but don’t have any more business yet is quite amazing. I feel it’s my place to help brands and businesses and especially “entrepreneurs” understand that building a social media audience, in fact any form of digital audience is hard work, and doesn’t happen over night, especially building a group of raving fans who give a shit about your content, and will be happy to share it to their audience. So, don’t just assume because you’re doing a blog it will bring an audience. Think about what else you could do with