Simon Scholes

Blog Growth Tips (2 - Planning) - There Social Media Podcast



BLOG GROWTH TIP 2 How much planning do you do? Having a plan for your blog content in place will make life so much easier when it comes to creating the content. If you just sit down in front of your computer, the chances are writing a blog will take you hours on end, most of which will be deciding what to write about in the first place. Plan your content each month to make it easy. You don’t want to be that creator who is always saying “OH CRAP!!!!” How often do you say those words when you realise you’ve not posted anything on social media for a few weeks, so then you end up posting something on instagram, then something different on twitter and a video on youtube about a totally different subject matter again. You cannot approach marketing in a scattergun approach. Look at what the big brands do with their marketing, and understand that what they’re doing will work for you, just maybe needs a little modification as they already have a name and followers, you, on the other hand, may not, YET, but