Simon Scholes

Podcast Tips (3 - Give Them What They Want To Hear) - The Social Media Podcast



PODCAST TIP 3 GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT TO LISTEN TOO Whether you're providing information that will help someone to lose weight, or doing a really entertaining interview with one of your favourite authors, you always need to be providing value. Your podcast is an extension of your other content, and as with your other content you don’t need to spend your time selling to them, you’re trying to build a group of amazing fans through the value you give them in your content. Once you start giving them value, not only have you given them a reason to listen, you've given them a reason to come back for more. So, how are you going to do this with your podcast? The one way I suggest is by creating audio that’s connected to your blog content that week so your content is all on brand and the same message through the week rather than ending up with a scattered approach with confusing messages. Or even taking the audio from your video content and using that as a podcast to make life a bit simpler and less time-con