Simon Scholes

Podcast Tips (8 - Interviews & Collaboration) - The Social Media Podcast



PODCAST TIP 8 DO INTERVIEWS Interviews are a big part of podcasting, and for good reason. They break up the potential monotony of one voice talking for too long, they add expertise and gravitas to your episode, and it's a chance to tap into your interviewee's own following – a tale of two audiences! You'll want to get the most out of your interviewee and maximise their contribution to your cause. That boils down to the conversation you have, and the questions you ask. No pressure. Don’t forget to allow them to pitch who they are and what they do, and of course listen to their answers. It’s always a good idea to have a few questions lined up before the interview, but, if you actually listen you’ve a great chance of coming up with new questions to throw into the mix from what they’re saying. It’s also massively important to make the process fun for you both and worth their while so allow them to finish with links to their social, website etc. and be sure to let them know where the podcast will be when i