Simon Scholes

Random Acts Of Kindness - The Social Media Podcast



It’s hashtag#randomactsofkindness day, so I want to know what random acts you’ve done today? Also, let’s have a chat about what you could do for your audience that’s also an act of kindness. For me and for you on social media, so many people forget the most important concept behind social media, and that’s being SOCIAL. It’s what the platforms where invented for, they all originated from forums and sites like Friends ReUnited which are meant for talking to friends about things, catching up, or speaking to long lost friends. So, when a social media channel is designed specifically for this type of thing, and businesses have just latched on to the idea, do you not think it’s best to use them for what they’re meant to be used for….being SOCIAL. Yes, it’s great to make money from potential new customers on social media, but the main thing is to help people, give your audience value and have those conversations with people. So, next time you’re on social media, maybe it’s time for you to be sure you’re givin