Simon Scholes

If You Build It He Will Come - The Social Media Podcast



So many brands and businesses think that social media will be the cure to all their ills.....the magic pill that will all their sales problems single tweet and they'll have that amazing 5,000,000 deal on the table in no time. Of course you won't, just the same as you wouldn't walk in a gym for the first time ever expecting to walk out looking like The Rock, it's just a stupid thought in your head you need to get rid of. Social media like any other aspect of business is hard work, the sooner you understand that, the sooner you can get into create consistent and creative work for your brand and business. My FREE Book: Hi, I'm Simon, and welcome to Daily Perceptions. I am the founder & creative director of Perception Studios UK, and award winning visual marketing agency, based in Andover Hampshire, in the UK. I also specialise in working with small businesses, and brands in helping them understand how they can grow their social following an