Simon Scholes

Be Yourself - The Social Media Podcast



BE YOURSELF IN YOUR CONTENT So, I was just doing something I preach, being social on social media, looking through my avatar creators and looking for the content they’re putting out so I could help, or interact or reach out and give them some value….mainly just being social on social media. However, something that leapt out at me, which shocks me massively. At least 90% of the creators are posting other peoples content all the time, the quotes they put out (with no descriptions) etc. is all other peoples content. What’s wrong with being yourself? If your content is truly you, and gives value then those people who like what you’ve got to say will eventually follow. Stop trying to be someone else, there’s only one Dwayne Johnson, there’s only one Stephen Bartlett, there’s only one Gary Vaynerchuck, Mel Robbins is the only one of her. The haven’t grown their brands by being someone else, they’ve done it by being themselves. BE YOU in your social media content, you’re the best version of you there is My FREE Book