Simon Scholes

Why Animal Content Works So Well - The Social Media Podcast



We all know when we watch a cat video it probably already has about 80 million views, but, why does animal content work so well on social media....well, it's all down to chemicals, so let's have a chat about them Scientists used to think dopamine was a pleasure chemical in the brain, but now we know what it actually creates is want. Dopamine causes us to seek, desire, and search. Then there’s oxytocin, sometimes referred to as “the cuddle chemical” because it’s released when you kiss or hug. Or … tweet. In 10 minutes of social media time, oxytocin levels can rise as much as 13%—a hormonal spike equivalent to some people on their wedding day. My FREE Book: Hi, I'm Simon, and welcome to Daily Perceptions. I am the founder & creative director of Perception Studios UK, and award winning visual marketing agency, based in Andover Hampshire, in the UK. I also specialise in working with small businesses, and brands in helping them understand how they can grow th