Simon Scholes

Time To Go Live - The Social Media Podcast



We're onto the next stage of the howto9xyoursocialmedia process.....everyones favourite......Going Live. I know live video is the stuff of nightmares for some people, but, that's what the blog stage is for, to help you understand your story perfectly before you hit that live button. The reason behind live.....well it's stop you from never posting a video as it's not perfect in your mindset.....if you're live you can't stop you just have to keep going. So let's talk more about that. My FREE Book: Hi, I'm Simon Scholes, social media marketing coach. I'm also the founder of the award winning visual marketing agency Perception Studios. A few years ago, it became obvious that small businesses needed help. Their marketing was all over the place and they where approaching social media as if it was a magic pill for their money and sales issues, but worst, with a few tweaks they could have made a big impact with their content. So, I created a process to work wi