Simon Scholes

Free Video Editing Software - The Social Media Podcast



Let's face it, when we all start out in business we like to spend as little money as possible which is why I researched some of the best FREE VIDEO EDITING SOFTWARES you can download today for your pc, mac, iphone or android phone. Inshot Shotcut iMovie DaVinci These are all free pieces of software so check them out and work with whichever one suits your needs, the most. My FREE Book: Hi, I'm Simon Scholes, social media marketing coach. I'm also the founder of the award winning visual marketing agency Perception Studios. A few years ago, it became obvious that small businesses needed help. Their marketing was all over the place and they where approaching social media as if it was a magic pill for their money and sales issues, but worst, with a few tweaks they could have made a big impact with their content. So, I created a process called "howto9xyoursocialmedia" to work with my clients on, I then turned it into a book that went to NUMBER ONE on Amazon