Simon Scholes

Where To Post Your Podcast - The Social Media Podcast



So, since the last episode of howto9xyoursocialmedia you've got your podcast together and you're ready to roll, the question now is, where do you put it so it will go on iTunes, Spotify, Google and all the other major podcast distribution sites. Well, you need to start with distribution software, my personal favourite is although there are many others available to you. My FREE Book: Hi, I'm Simon Scholes, social media marketing coach. I'm also the founder of the award winning visual marketing agency Perception Studios. A few years ago, it became obvious that small businesses needed help. Their marketing was all over the place and they where approaching social media as if it was a magic pill for their money and sales issues, but worst, with a few tweaks they could have made a big impact with their content. So, I created a process to work with my clients on, I then turned it into a book that went to NUMBER ONE on Amazon (available below) an