Simon Scholes

Beer Lovers Day - The Social Media Podcast



Did you know it's #beerloversday ? There are so many different types of beer right now in the world, so how do you know which one to choose as your favourite, well you have to test them obviously. Now I'm not endorsing you to try every beer in the world right now, but, have you possibly thought of your social media this way? The old Gerald Ford quote of "50% of my marketing works, I just don't know which 50%" is more prevelant now than ever. So many brands and businesses using social media but without any forsight or knowledge of what do I mean by testing? Hi, I'm Simon, and welcome to Daily Perceptions. I am the founder & creative director of Perception Studios UK, and award winning visual marketing agency, based in Andover Hampshire, in the UK. I also specialise in working with small businesses, and brands in helping them understand how they can grow their social following and brand for favourite four letter word. However, it does take hard work and patience, so if you think y