Simon Scholes

World Quality Day - The Social Media Podcast



Today is World Quality Day, a day to talk about the quality of service and products you've bought previously. This is prime estate right now as it's currently the weekend and many brands and businesses believe for some reason that because they do, social media only works a 5 day week. If there's one thing you need to ensure is that your social media team or marketing department or external supplier is answering your social media DM's on a weekend. Put yourself in the customers shoes, if you complained about a product and received nothing back from the company from Friday night until Monday morning at 9am, so over 60 hours, you'd quite rightly be a bit pissed off, especially as we all treat social media as far more instant than email or picking up the phone. So you sure as hell need to be responding to people good or bad on a weekend because social media DOES NOT switch off.