Sns Online

SNS Online Series 3 - Dark Shadows



In our brand new autumn season of shows, SNS Online returnee, Joe (Torchwood/Sarah Jane Adventures/Wizards V Aliens) Lidster, along with fellow scribe, Aaron Lamont, meet Nick Randell in Bow Bell Cemetery (in London's Dickensian East End), for a spooktacular Halloween addition of SNS! Here they discuss the iconic American TV hit, Dark Shadows...and it's magnificant return via *Big Finish Productions! But is the graveyard itself cursed? Does a witch plan to get over familiar? Will Nick get a bit on the other side? And most importantly, what do Joe and Aaron secretly have in store for our SNS Online host by the end of the show..? Stand by your pumps, for the scariest Halloween that mankind...has ever known!! *With thanks to Catch up with Dark Shadows on Soundcloud... SNS Online continues to offer an eclectic range of quality programming - free to download - to all like-minded people out there in cyber-space. These shows are independe