Victim To Victor With Victor Pacini




Get the Mp3 transcript here Sometimes it’s not exactly easy to be ourselves. We fear judgement. If we are authentically ourselves and people don’t like it, it can feel like we did something wrong. It never feels good to lose friends or family or a romantic interest. Being rejected is painful. So what to we do? Well, we hide ourselves. We tone down our excitement and our inner glow. We push ourselves to fit into a mold of what makes others comfortable rather than breaking the mold and letting our individuality shine through. I don’t think we should have to ever dim our sparkle. I think you reading this (YES YOU) should be unapologetically yourself. -------------------- Get Your Free Copy Of Victor Pacini's Book, The Erin's Law Solution: The Safe Way To Teach Sexual Abuse Awareness to Students that Gives Social Workers, Teachers, and Parents Peace of Mind. --