White Bitch Buffet

EP 23 - Sleepy Hollow



The second episode for August was a lil sleepy this month. The bitches had a hard time getting their schedules to fit but when they finally did they busted out this lil ditty. Maxini kicks off the episode with indulging in her latest Netflix Addiction and gives her endorsement for hot, new show Stranger Things. She gives a synopsis of the premise with limited spoilers and encourages Laura to give it a shot as well. The girls play a round of their fave game, The Price is Right, and battle it out to guess the prices of the most random items they could fathom. The Olympics were on the forefront this month and Big L and Max break down all the games they managed to watch and realize that they really don't even know what waterpolo is. They round up the episode with the dark cloud that is the return of school season and discuss the ups and downs of professors and class schedules. Catch everything White Bitch Buffet at whitebitchbuffet.com!