White Bitch Buffet

EP 31 - Stuff that is Green



EP 31 is ya girls first spring episode of 2017! Maxini kicks off EP 31 with Netflix Addictions, giving reviews of The OA, How to Get Away with Murder, and Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events, and talks about how excited she is for Santa Clarita Diet. Update!: Max watched Santa Clarita Diet and gives it 2 thumbs up cause that shit is hella funny and Drew Barrymore and Tim Olyphant are awesome in it, highly recommend it!! Big L gives an overview movies hitting theaters this spring and gets you ready for Jack Sparrow and the Smurfs to make their returns. She also hypes up the new Power Rangers movie, live action Beauty and the Beast, and Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume II. Laura talks about The Women's March in Boston that she attended and reads some of her favorite signs from the protest and the girls talk about picking your battles in a post-Trump world. The girls lighten the mood back up with a spring version of The Price is Right: Things that are green and fight head to head for white bitch braggin