White Bitch Buffet

EP 33 - Get Sprung!



It's finally spring!! Join ya girls for White Bitch April and get the sports low-down from Big L on hockey playoffs and a polite mix of all other New England sports. Max dishes on all her latest Netflix Addictions rating shows 13 Reasons Why, BorderTown, Chelsea, and Schitt's Creek. She's got show suggestions for all the stoners out there and netflix addicts alike. Maxini gives her fair share of criticizm on 13 Reasons. The girls get their fave game going Headbandz, this time making up the cards to go on each others heads. Play along with the girls as they try to figure out what random object their co-host plagued them with. Laura closes up the episode with saying goodbye to school forever!!! That's right our very own Laura Beth is going to be a college grad! SCHOOOOL'S OUT FO EVA! Catch all things White Bitch Buffet at whitebitchbuffet.com