Talking Bird

Talking Bird: the Special Edition Episode 70



  2016 has come to a close and we were able to get together one last time this year to release our 70th episode aka the "Rogue One" review show. This was the episode I've been waiting all year to record. I've been chomping at the bit to talk about the film since December 15th and was eagerly awaiting for Jon & my schedules to align.  Carrie Fisher's death has hit Star Wars fans hard. She was an amazing actor, writer and person. Her sense of humor and willingness to interact with fans made her an essential part of Star Wars, long after she had hung up her blaster. Having her return to Star Wars after thirty years was a gift. Knowing we have one more opportunity to see General Leia in December 2017 is the closest thing to a "bright side" I can find.  I hope our brief discussion of Carrie Fisher's life and work at the top of the show can add in some small way to the countless tributes I have seen in the last day. I know we will continue to speak about Carrie in future episodes to come. On behalf of Jon &