Not The Typical Mom Show With Stefani Reinold: Down To Earth Discussions About The Not So Typical But All Too Common Issue

39- Anti-Diet, OCD, and Body Positive Fitness with Emily Decker



Do you have a disordered relationship with exercise? Is it difficult to enjoy moving your body without constantly thinking about how your body's aesthetics may change? Is it hard for you to separate nutrition and food from moving your body and fitness? Do you wonder if you'll EVER enjoy fitness again? Well, this week, I talk with personal trainer and anti-diet-culture CrossFit coach, Emily Decker. Emily is also a mental health advocate working to increase the body-friendliness of the fitness industry. She is creator of her 6-week private training program called BFF (Body-Friendly Fitness) that empowers people who have struggled with “yo-yo exercising” to find enjoyable and sustainable workout habits by working WITH their bodies, not FOR different ones. In this interview, we discuss: How her mental health journey has influenced her journey with food and fitness How to separate restrictive mindset around food and exercise Diet mentality thoughts that arise within the fitness industry How mirrors affect differe