Second Half Comeback With Dg Gregory

05 The Biggest and Worst Kept Secret to Transforming Your Life and Business



The Biggest and Worst Kept Secret to transforming your life   On today’s solo episode of Second Half Comeback I talk about the single strategy that has transformed my business and my life.   I’ve begun surrounding myself with extraordinary, like minded people.   I know. It’s not exactly ground breaking advice is it? We’ve all heard this advice a million times including the now famous quote from Jim Rohn:   “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”   But I think many of us understand the concept yet fail to execute it because it seems like such a daunting challenge. The idea of eliminating “negative” people from our lives seems big and dramatic. The idea of “networking” with strangers seems intimidating and uncomfortable.   I understood the concept but failed to execute it consistently in my own life.   Until I took Scott Dinsmore’s Connect with Anyone course. Scott had an amazing concept and quote that changed my mindset forever. He called it “Brain Washing the Impossible” and his