Stella Culinary School

SCS 028 | Let's Talk Pizza!



In this episode, we take a deep dive into pizza, discussing Neapolitan, New York, and Chicago style. Since great pizza is all about the dough, we tie together everything learned in our bread series, and discuss why we apply certain formulations to achieve specific results. To get the most out of this episode, you will need a basic understanding of the baker's percentage. Introduction 1:56 - How this lesson on pizza will be influenced by past bread baking episodes. SCS 018 | Four Pillars of Bread SCS 019 | Twelve Steps of Bread Baking SCS 020 | Bread Classifications SCS 021 | Sourdough Starters and Pre-Ferments SCS 022 | Let's Bake Some Sourdough 4:05 - There are false pizza recipes on the internet and you shouldn't trust most of them. The dough is what makes the pizza. 6:20 - It's important to understand how various ingredients influence your dough, and how that can inform the formulation of your own, unique pizza dough. Discussion Segment 9:05 - Brief history of pizza. 12:20 - Chris Bianco, of Pi