Living Life With Lynda Show

Episode 37 - Renewal in the Wilderness with Aram Mitchell



Part 1: Aram Mitchell, Executive Director & Guide, with Renewal in the Wilderness joins us to talk about how this non-profit organization "helps the helpers".  Aram and his small group of volunteers provide wilderness trips for people who are doing good work in the world! Connecting people with wild nature helps to strengthen their sense of purpose and sustain the spirit of compassion in their lives which in turn will help them continue to do their good work with a sense of renewal! I recently joined Aram and a group of nature lovers on one of their "beauty walks" and had an awesome experience! We talk about that on the show too:) Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda talks about how a local non-profit organization in Maine called HART helped save her mother's cat which in turn helped save her mother as well!