Living Life With Lynda Show

Episode 92 - Intuition & Taking Chances Discussion with Lynda Adams, Living Life with Lynda Radio Show Host



Curious about Lynda Adams, the host of the Living Life with Lynda show?  Then is the episode to listen to! Mics and seats have been swapped and Lynda Adams is in the hot seat being interviewed by her friend and wellness practitioner, Liz Jackson!  Lynda talks about the values her mother instilled in her at a young age and how that helped her reach out of her comfort zone when going after various employment positions she didn't qualify for.  Throughout the interview, Lynda talks about that "pull" she felt when it was time to make a big life transition and how that helped lead her into health & wellness AND her own radio show!   Want to reach out to Lynda after listening?  Contact her via her website, or email her directly at