Misandry With Marcia And Rae

Facebook is Scum



COME SEE US LIVE. We are doing a live episode with a VERY special surprise guest. November 11th, 5-6pm at the Public Hotel for the New York Comedy Festival. (215 Chrystie Street.) Don't miss it! We need your 5 star reviews on iTunes. The trolls are starting to descend.  Also, give us a shout on: E-mail/PayPal: misandrywithmarciaandrae@gmail.com  Twitter: @MisandryWithMR Facebook: @MisandrywithMarciaandRae  Instagram: @misandrywithmarciaandrae Patreon (music coming soon!): https://www.patreon.com/Misandrywithmarciaandrae #MisandrywithMR And don't forget to join our FB Group: The Militia in the Woods. THIS WEEK, BROADCAST THROUGH SECRET CHANNELS FROM OUR HIDDEN BUNKER IN THE WOODS: We start off sleepy, but we get there! The militia vs. Mark Zuckerberg.  Marcia is banned from Facebook for commenting "men are scum" on a collage of threats. Social media and Silicon Valley biases. Facebook deciding that "misandry" and "reverse racism" are real things and equivalent to the power systems of misogyny and white suprem