Misandry With Marcia And Rae

Won't Somebody PLEASE Think of the Men?



DON'T MISS OUR FIRST LIVE PODCAST! We are doing a live episode with our VERY special guest: APARNA NANCHERLA. November 11th, 5-6pm at the Public Hotel for the New York Comedy Festival. (215 Chrystie Street)  Aparna is truly incredible & a delight, and we are so happy to have her in the Final Wave. Reserve your seats here: http://www.nycf.tbs.com/comedyhub We need your 5 star reviews on iTunes! The trolls are coming for us. Apparently SOME men don't like it when they are "forced" "underground" "to live in our basement prisons". ALSO, if you're so inclined, please help fund the militia & PayPal us at: misandrywithmarciaandrae@gmail.com  Twitter: @MisandryWithMR Facebook: @MisandrywithMarciaandRae  Instagram: @misandrywithmarciaandrae Patreon (music coming soon!): https://www.patreon.com/Misandrywithmarciaandrae #MisandrywithMR And don't forget to join our FB Group: The Militia in the Woods. THIS WEEK: Marcia's Facebook ban was ended early, but we are still coming for you, Zuck. Trolls. A shout out from