Misandry With Marcia And Rae

Take The L



BROADCAST TO YOU LIVE FROM A BUNKER FILLED WITH MOLE PEOPLE:  Welcome back, militants! Be sure to *RATE US ON iTUNES* and: E-mail us/PayPal us: misandrywithmarciaandrae@gmail.com Twitter: @MisandryWithMR Instagram: @MisandrywithMarciaandRae Facebook: @MisandrywithMarciaandRae & join our group: The Militia in the Woods. Thank you so much to everyone who has PayPal-ed us! We are self-funded and a fully regulated matriarchal militia is more expensive than you might think. THIS WEEK WE DISCUSS: Caroline Giuliani, who's really taking your job?, liberal white men, The Problem With Apu, protesting where you can be heard, movements you are born into vs movements based in "ideological purity" that you choose, how much harm people of privilege within marginalized groups can cause to those groups, Louis CK is not yet a punchline, fighting ghosts, and more! We won't stop until every person living or dead is a woman. See you in the woods!