Zelda Informer Podcast

ZI Podcast Episode 27: Why 3D Will Beat 2D, Kingdom Hearts Insanity, And The Woes Of 3D Animation



This week on the ZI Podcast, we discuss how motion capture can ruin a game, Adam talks about why he thinks 3D Zelda games are better than 2D, and the problems with Frozen. Casters for this week are Adam (Normal and Post), Chris (He brings the dank memes), and EsquireBob (We just call him Porter). Thanks to those of you who submitted your fan topics this week. If you have any fan topics, theme song submissions, or cover art for the podcast, be sure to send those to ZeldaInformerPodcast@gmail.com. Thanks to those of you who sent Adam (Me) birthday wishes via email/twitter! And please, share the podcast with your friends! It helps us out a lot. Enjoy Episode 27!