Zelda Informer Podcast

Episode 156 - Is Breath of the Wild 2 Losing Hype, Ilia as a Love Interest, E3 is Back, and More Daily Debates Answered



This week for the show, we do what we always do when there's nothing particularly pressing to talk about: steal the great ideas of our Zelda Dungeon writing team and answer some of their Daily Debates! Tune in and hear our two cents on topics like: is Breath of the Wild 2 losing anticipation? Which Zelda game offers the most replay value? Should the series introduce post game content? Would we name a kid after a Zelda character? Which game do we wish we could experience again for the first time? And Ilia... well, we haven't heard a good Twilight Princess rant in a while, so if you're a fan of that, you're in luck! All this, PLUS we give our takes on E3 coming back and what that means for Breath of the Wild 2! Come listen! Follow The Champions’ Cast! Twitter Andy Spiteri (@Spiteri316)  Alasyn Eletha (@AlasynEletha) Facebook x Discord   Subscribe to The Champions’ Cast! Apple Podcasts x Podbean x Spotify x iTunes x Google Podcasts x iHeart Radio x PlayerFM   Advertise on The Champions’ Cast! Inquirie