Zelda Informer Podcast

Episode 171 - Guess That Zelda Tune with Zelda Dungeon vs Zelda Universe



Happy ZDMX week everyone! This week, our pal Alasyn is away for the 10th annual Zelda Dungeon Marathon, so we're cracking open a previously-Twitch-exclusive episode pitting Andy and Al against Zelda Universe's Alex Trevino and Amanda van Hiel! There might be a few audio hiccups on here, but we figured it was better than skipping a week of the show, so come on and play with us! There are some epic doozeys in here, o come and see which competitor walks away the champion from this Fatal 4-Way matchup!   Follow The Champions’ Cast! Twitter Andy Spiteri (@Spiteri316)  Alasyn Eletha (@AlasynEletha) Twitch x Facebook x Discord   Subscribe to The Champions’ Cast! Apple Podcasts x Podbean x Spotify x iTunes x Google Podcasts x iHeart Radio x PlayerFM   Grab The Champions’ Cast Merch! Official Zelda Dungeon Merch store   Advertise on The Champions’ Cast! Inquiries – andy.spiteri@zeldadungeon.net