Skyler Irvine Audio Channel

16: Jesse Lobell - E3-Cap



Jesse Lobell is a Master Digital Content Creator, and the founder of Nintendo Story on Instagram. Nostalgia at it's finest, Nintendo Story brings childhood memories to life in video form. Jesse's innovative way of sharing these stories is unforgettable and extremely entertaining.  Like any film maker, Jesse got started at a young age with the family camera. He grew up during the boom of YouTube and he was heavily inspired by all of the content being created there. In high school he started making videos professionally and got a job as soon as he graduated. Since then he has been helping companies with video marketing and working on projects of his own passion.  His work prior to Nintendo Story consists of Music Videos, Short Films, and cinematic ventures of all kinds.  He recently partnered with Short Shorts With Short Leash, an outdoor multimedia experience in Phoenix that shows films, serves hot dogs, and would not be complete without live music. Jesse created a 5 Minute Nintendo Story for the event. In add