Leigh Martinuzzi

693 Epictetus: The Enchiridion & Discourses by Haward B. Morse Written by Leigh Martinuzzi



Epictetus by Haward B. Morse Written by Leigh Martinuzzi “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” Epictetus Epictetus was a second-century stoic philosopher. Born a slave and raised within the Roman Empire. After his release from slavery, he found peace in Greece where is spent the remainder of his days. This book is delivered in two parts, the first is short precepts, practical guides to the bulk of his work – The Enchiridion. The second part is the longer discourses of Epictetus. These writings are actually the works of his pupil Arrian. Please enjoy this week's book reflection on The Hidden Why.