Leigh Martinuzzi

699 Life: A Hike Remembered - Find What Ignites You - by Leigh Martinuzzi



Find What Ignites You By Leigh Martinuzzi Doing what we love. Breaking free from the monotony of everyday life is freeing. It will bring us beyond confusion and unease into a clearer sense of what matters in life. It can lead us to a deeper sense of purpose in life. When we return, for whatever period we escaped, we are better able to face the challenges ahead. Take the time out to pursue what you desire. If it doesn't ignite you there is no great loss, just lessons in time. Nothing ventured nothing gained. If however, you deny these experiences you will limit the grandness that may otherwise ignite your life. This life is a hike to be remembered, and we will experience it more beautifully by doing what ignites us. Please enjoy this week's Solo Rant.