Leigh Martinuzzi

765 A Kick-Ass Year - 16 Rules To Making Change Sweet



A Kick Ass Year Written by Leigh Martinuzzi - Originally published on the January the 9th 2015 Resolutions, ha, what resolutions? Each year January the first is often a monumental day for many of us. A year of change. A year of growth and amazing things to come. A game changer. New Year resolutions are created. Decisions have been made. Now, we've got to execute the plan, follow through and keep the promise we've made to ourselves. Accountability! I am not a guru of setting resolutions and sticking to them. I've failed many times. I am not an expert change make, although I believe that with a growth mindset I wish to think I enjoy embracing change. And I believe we all can not only embrace change but make it happen. Change is difficult. It may take many attempts to see the results. Staring something new and then never seeing the completion sucks! Perseverance and patience will win. Good things will come to those that move forward with good intent. Hold onto your dreams and desires. Here are sixteen rule