Leigh Martinuzzi

767 Dr Suvrat Bhargave - A Moment of Insight, Our Story, Vulnerability, Shame & Our Five Gifts



A Moment of Insight A panic-ridden schoolboy. A high school cutter. A suicidal divorced mother of two. A conflicted young man with OCD and his grieving father. Dr Bhargave has treated children and adults who sought psychiatry as a last resort to feeling empty, misunderstood, and unworthy. None came anticipating a spiritual conquest, and each wanted relief in the quickest way possible. While there was no magic pill for a cure, what evolved time and again through patience and vulnerability was the tale of hope through adversity. The result is A Moment of Insight. Please enjoy this wonderful interview with Dr Bhargave. We talk about the complexities of change, the story we tell ourselves about who we are, vulnerability and shame, and how we can manage the adversity of change using our five gifts. There are some remarkable insights in this conversation. Please enjoy! Guest Bio Suvrat Bhargave, M.D. is a renowned and respected educator, speaker, and board-certified psychiatrist, specializing in child and adol