Leigh Martinuzzi

776 James Kirby - Compassion



Compassion with James Kirby "Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." Albert Einstein Compassion is defined as the sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. If the purpose of compassion is to alleviate the suffering and pain within ourselves, others and all living things then it brings a great level of importance. I was delighted to be able to speak with James Kirby on this topic, one which he clearly has much passion and knowledge about. Not only does he share insight on the intricacies on compassion but also how we can go about cultivating it in our daily lives. Enjoy! Guest Bio James is a Clinical Psychologist and Lecturer at the School of Psychology at the University of Queensland. He is also the Co-Director of the Compassionate Mind Research Group at the University of Queensland. He has broad research interests in compassion, however, specifically, he examines compassi