Leigh Martinuzzi

882 Greg Sadler - Putting Philosophy Into Practice



Putting Philosophy Into Practice Greg Sadler is the president of ReasonIO a company dedicated to helping others put philosophy into practice. Greg is well educated across many facets of philosophy and takes resources from complex and often difficult philosophical texts and thinkers, and makes them accessible to non-philosophers. Transforming ideas into useful tools for application, reflection, decision-making, and action. In this conversation we have a discuss philosophy and how it can be used a to help when put to practice, many aspects of one's life. Guest Bio Greg Sadler is the president of ReasonIO, a company established to put philosophy into practice, providing tutorial, coaching, and philosophical counselling services, and producing educational resources. He teaches at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, edits Stoicism Today, and has created over 1,500 videos on philosophy in his popular YouTube channel.