Leigh Martinuzzi

944 Karl Staib - Bring Gratitude



Bring Gratitude In this interview, I speak with Karl Staib about his journey into gratitude. You've most likely heard all about how having a gratitude practise is important but it's much more than just saying daily "I'm grateful for...", you really have to connect with the WHY. We also delve into his DigToFly concept and I receive a little coaching from Karl using his DigToFly questionnaire. Some good valuable takeaways within and some beautiful inspiration to help you fly. Guest Bio. Karl Staib is the author of Bring Gratitude and the creator of the Dig to Fly Method. He has helped thousands of people turn their biggest struggle into an asset with his methods. He has been featured by Forbes, NPR and Zen Habits and worked with great companies such as Philips Global, Southwest Research Institute and Pioneer Nation.