Leigh Martinuzzi

947 Marcey Rader - Work Well. Play More!



Work Well. Play More! My interview with Marcey Rader discussing her book Work Well. Play More! Addicted to our devices and surrounded by clutter. Our lives have become over-complicated and very distracting. Sometimes we wonder how others can get so much done in the same amount of time and yet seem to be living a more balanced life. Marcey has been there and fallen deep into psychological burnout which leads her to do what she does now - helping others bring an about healthy balance to their everyday lives. Guest Bio. Marcey Rader is an award-winning speaker, sought-after productivity coach, accredited health and wellness expert, and author of three books. As the founder of Work Well. PlayMore!, she helps individuals and businesses kick their lifestyles back into balanced gear – without sacrificing health. Clients from North Dakota to Dubai, manufacturing to biotech, learn to escalate their energy, conquer the calendar, master tasks, and extinguish email. Her latest book, Work Well. Play More!: Productive, C