Cover2 Resources

Ep. 240 – Uncovering Coverage Gaps and Understanding the ACA, with Lindsey Vuolo



In March of 2019 the Center on Addiction, a nonprofit organization committed to supporting families struggling with substance use and addiction, published Uncovering Coverage Gaps II: A Review of Addiction Benefits in ACA Plans. A follow up to their 2016 report of the same name, this new report reviews and compares the addiction benefits in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans for all 50 states. This most recent report was an eye-opener, both for what coverage was available through the state plans, but even more so, what was omitted. Here to further our understanding of the 2019 report, is the Center on Addiction health law and policy director, Lindsey Vuolo. Lindsey is the research lead on the adequacy of SUD benefits offered in the ACA health plans, an expert on federal and state responses to the opioid crisis, and author of (Ending the Opioid Crisis: A Practical Guide for State Policymakers). Drawing on her extensive experience in legal, regulatory, and policy work related to addiction prevention and t