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Ep. 250 - The FDA Missteps that Fueled Our Nation’s Health Crisis



Today’s guest, Dr. Andrew Kolodny, is an authority on the opioid epidemic. As a Senior Scientist and, Co-Director of Opioid Policy Research at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Dr. Kolodny has a deep-rooted interest in public health. He began his career working for the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, helping develop and implement multiple programs to improve health and save the lives of New York City citizens. These initiatives included: city-wide buprenorphine programs, life-saving naloxone overdose prevention programs and emergency room-based screenings, and brief interventions and referrals to treatment (SBIRT) programs for alcohol and drug misuse. Using his expert knowledge and vast experience fighting the opioid epidemic, Dr. Kolodny guides us through the FDA’s missteps that helped fuel our nation’s worst health crisis in history. Join us on today’s podcast as we uncover the mistakes that helped perpetuate a growing opioid crisis and the missed opportun