Cover2 Resources

Ep. 253 - The Right Way to Spend Billions in Settlement Money



This Summer there’s been a great deal of news on the opioid lawsuit in Oklahoma and the MDL here in Cleveland. We’ve heard how communities and native tribes thought the country have suffered at the hands of the pharmaceutical industry, and now with the ruling against J&J in the Oklahoma trial for $572M and Purdue Pharma offering to settle for $12 Billion giving up their company, it appears it’s time to pay the piper. How that money will be spent is still unclear. We’ve been extremely fortunate to have met with many different voices in the opioid epidemic community. Thanks to their insight we thought we’d weigh-in on the debate for the best use of the settlement money. We didn’t just stake out claim on opinion, however. We made sure to do the research and calculations necessary for the best result. Of course, we couldn’t accomplish this on our own so we reached out to some of our featured guests for help. Together, with addiction treatment specialist Dr. Stephen Loyd, of Mountain Home Veterans Administra