Ari In The Air

Authentic Relating Power - Sara Ness



Sara founded Authentic Revolution, an organization spreading authentic relating toolkits (games, structures, ideas), to individuals, companies and groups. They also teach authentic leadership, which is a huge topic that we cover amidst coronavirus. She starts by sharing an authentic relating game with me, that we play together, that cuts straight into what we're both feeling. It was a vulnerable moment for me for sure. We then immediately go deep into why authenticity is important and powerful, why we lack it and what this lack does to our relationships. She shares a study about how authentic relating and emotional intelligence training on a Shell oil rig dropped the incidence of workplace accidents precipitously, and another about coal miners trapped in a mine and the unlikey emmergence of leadership. Through the episode, she invites me to share some of my own frameworks of thinking and my own thoughts on how her work relates to paragliding and the sports that I know and love. This was such a rewarding conve