Lois & Clark'd: The New Podcasts Of Superman

120/121 - Barbarians at the House of Luthor SEASON FINALE



Well FOLCs, we made it to the end of the first season! We are officially a quarter of the way done with the show. But don't worry, we are just getting started! When Lex Luthor commits insurance fraud and plants a bomb in order to neg Lois Lane into marrying him, Clark, Superman, Perry, Jimmy, Jack, the movie star, the professor, and Mary Ann will stop at nothing to show Lois the light and take Lex down once and for all!....'Til they need a ratings bump and bring him back. It has been our extreme pleasure to bring you all this podcast for the last several months and we can't wait hope to see everyone back in season 2. There is going to be a couple weeks between then and now, but we will be back in between with a few Superman sidebar episodes. The first of which will be us covering the wonder that is the Smallville pilot, so hope everyone enjoys that! Til next time, thank you all for listening and for your support!! FOLC off!!