Mi Blanc Amigo

Ep.027 Surviving Domestic Violence...What would you do??? Word to City High



Ep.027 Surviving Domestic Violence... What would you do??? Word to City High This episode I take my first away visit to the middle of the boonies to peak with a DV survivor I try to get inside the psyche of the victim to understand why she attracts these types of relationships We also discuss... Being a victim of domestic violence and her story Where she met em How he won her over Signs of his abusive traits Dating someone clingy vs free roaming Dealing with her abusers drug habits Types of drugs he abused My theory on the type of house hold abusers come from Her background where she from The household she comes from Percentage of women that go thru dv Having all her relationships end in abuse Helping other women deal with dv Dealing with being homeless Being flat broke Enrolling in the safe alliance program Her thoughts on therapy Understanding the operation of therapy