Aisling Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation: Witches and Karmic Manipulation in Dreams



On today's show... Join my webinar Please join my free webinar on Wednesday, June 16, where I cover the following: Why we dream in symbols. How to determine your gifts from the symbols in your dreams. How to interpret the symbols you have never seen before. The transformative power of The Aisling Method of Dream Interpretation. Sign up here: Dream 1: Witches and Warlocks ready to destroy the world Fed up with waiting, witches and warlocks are ready to destroy the world. Thankfully, Lucy, the Supreme Witch, saves the day. But what does it all mean? Witches and warlocks are not in my online dictionary, so I explain their meaning in this episode. But Lucy saving the day also means something important for her. After my analysis, I talk about the very real issue of having to deal with energetic attacks from people with ill intent. Not something I normally cover on my show. Listen to find out more... Dream 2: Editing The Timeline Loni has a special gift indeed. She can modif